Hi, I'm Dr Rebecca Mount, but please call me Beck. I'm a Mum to three children, a lover of the outdoors and nature (as long as this in done in some level of comfort), holiday maker, fan of good pub grub by a cosy fire and the odd glass of wine.
I'm also a Clinical Psychologist with a passion to help teens overcome mental health struggles with their parents support. My wish is for young people to acquire the skills needed to conquer life challenges; to thrive now and in the years ahead and I believe parents play a really important role in this process.
Here you will find a range of articles and resources all aimed at helping parents and their tweens and teens to overcome anxiety.
Dr Rebecca Mount
Clinical Psychologist
” One day you'll look back and realise how hard it was, and just how well you did"
― The Boy, The Mole, The Fox and The Horse,
Charlie Mackesy

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Hi, I’m Dr Rebecca Mount
A Clinical Psychologist. Passionate about giving young people and their parents the knowledge and skills to maintain good mental health in the high school years and beyond.
I remember my high school years being stressful for both me and my parents. It can be a tricky time to handle; to find the balance and focus across school demands including exam preparation, time with friends, family, leisure and hobbies. It can start to feel overwhelming and sadly anxiety and depression can result. I have spend over 20 years working in mental health services for young people; helping them to understand and overcome anxiety and other struggles. I feel it is really important to offer help before it gets to this point as anxiety and depression symptoms get in the way of young people being able to achieve and reach their potential during this time. Challenges can also lead to tension within families as parents shrive to encourage and support but struggle to impact positively against the pull of independence.
My aim is to help parents and young people to understand and build on their strengths in order to meet the challenges of this time with self-confidence and resilience. I share relevant resources and articles and offer an online courses; all informed by the latest psychological research, knowledge and interventions. My hope is that acquiring these skills at this time will put young people in a strong position to face life's challenges. I wish someone had told me the stuff I know now when I was a teenager.
I do continue to offer a wider one-to-one practice based out of my office in Stourbridge, West Midlands or online via zoom.
Making me smile this month...
- Crisp bright mornings
- Autumn colours
- Halloween Parties
- Launching The Anxious Teen Membership to help more parents of anxious teens
Struggling with your teen's anxieties?
Please get in touch
Get the understanding, help and support when you need it